How much range will I get / how far can I ride?

As there are so many variables that determine the range, it is not always straightforward to answer the question “How much range will I get”?. However, it is possible to define your range in hours as this just depends on your battery capacity.


The physics behind eBike range

A 250W motor at 36V draws about 7A of current. That means that in one hour it will use 7 amp-hours (Ah) of charge. So a 7Ah battery will last one hour. Similarly, if you use it at half power (3.5A), it will last you for 2 hours.

“A 250W motor draws about 7A of current at max power, so a 7Ah battery will last you 1 hour.”

We have put together the table below to give you an indicative range in hours for the different Power Packs, at different power levels.


 Battery Capacity   Full power range (250W)   Medium power range (120W)   Low power range (50W) 
 2.6Ah (AIR)  23 mins  45 mins  1 hour 50 mins
 5Ah (MAX)  43 mins 1 hour 30 mins  3 hours 30 mins



Other considerations

  • Weather: The temperature affects how much distance you get out of your Power Pack. In cold climates, you will find you get less range.
  • Terrain: Going up hills uses a lot more energy. So adding hills to your ride makes a big difference. 
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